Samstag, 5. März 2016

Neue Lagerartikel 06.03.2016

EHPRO Bachelor RTA    NEU

K-Boom Aroma 10ml Loops 2 NEU

K-Boom Aroma 10ml Harmonic Pistachio

K-Boom Aroma 10ml K-Splash NEU

K-Boom Aroma 10ml Strawberry Explosion NEU

K-Boom Aroma 10ml K-Milk Loops NEU

K-Boom Aroma 10ml Creamy Dynamite NEU

K-Boom Aroma 10ml Raspberry Infection NEU

K-Boom Aroma 10ml Boomberry V2 NEU

Twisted Flavors-Aroma (10 ml) Bottermelk Fresh NEU

Twisted Flavors-Aroma (10 ml) Black Viper NEU

Twisted Flavors-Aroma (10 ml) Calipter Cow NEU

Twisted Flavors-Aroma (10 ml) Creamy Strawberry NEU

Twisted Flavors-Aroma (10 ml) Tide Ride 2 NEU

Twisted Flavors-Aroma (10 ml) Luupaa NEU

Twisted Flavors-Aroma (10 ml) Vanilla Custard NEU

Pink Spot Aroma 10ml Black Mamba

Pink Spot Aroma 10ml Surf Rider

Pink Spot Aroma 10ml Rip Tide

Pink Spot Aroma 10ml Blue Raz Cotton Candy

Pink Spot Aroma 10ml Swagger

Pink Spot Aroma 10ml Pink Spot

Jack Calis E-Liquid 6 mg Cupertino

Jack Calis E-Liquid 3 mg Cupertino

Jack Calis E-Liquid 12 mg Cupertino

Jack Calis E-Liquid 3 mg Bixby

Jack Calis E-Liquid 6 mg Bixby

Jack Calis E-Liquid 6 mg Visalia

Jack Calis E-Liquid 12 mg Visalia

Jack Calis E-Liquid 12 mg Tahoe

Jack Calis E-Liquid 3 mg Tahoe

Jack Calis E-Liquid 6 mg Tahoe

Jack Calis E-Liquid 3 mg Apple Hill

Jack Calis E-Liquid 12 mg Eureka

Jack Calis E-Liquid 6 mg Eureka

Jack Calis E-Liquid 6 mg Solano

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 0 mg Euphoria

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 3 mg Euphoria

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 6 mg Euphoria

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 0 mg The Shocker

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 3 mg The Shocker

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 6 mg The Shocker

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 6 mg Kryptonite

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 3 mg Kryptonite

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 0 mg Kryptonite

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 0 mg Sonset NEU

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 3 mg Sonset NEU

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid V2 6 mg Sonset NEU

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid 6 mg Church

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid 3 mg Church

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid 0 mg Milk & Honey

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid 6 mg Milk & Honey

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid 0 mg Nutz

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid 6 mg Nutz

Cosmic Fog E-Liquid 3 mg Nutz

Black Label Premium-E-Liquids 0 mg Grapevine

King's Barrel Premium-E-Liquid 0 mg Gate Keeper

20 ML E-Liquid Topseller: Apfel 0mg
Apfel 9mg
Wassermelone 0mg
Wassermelone 9mg
Tobacco 3 0mg
Tobacco 3 9mg
Zimt-Apfel 0mg
Zimt-Apfel 9mg
Brombeere 0mg
Brombeere 9mg
Pfefferminze 0mg
Pfefferminze 9mg
Tobacco 2 9mg
Waldfrüchte 0mg
Erdbeere 0mg
Erdbeere 9mg
Fresh Mint 0mg
Fresh Mint 9mg    
Kirsche 9mg
Kirsche 0mg
Maracuja 9mg
Maracuja 0mg
Mojito 0mg
Mojito 9mg
Energy 9mg
Vanille 9mg
Cola-Zitrone 0mg
Cola-Zitrone 9mg
Amaretto 9mg
Eisbonbon 9mg
Johannisbeere 0mg
Johannisbeere 9mg
Orange 9mg
Waldmeister 0mg
Irish Creme 9mg
Himbeere 0mg
Himbeere 9mg
Ananas 0mg
Ananas 9mg
Honig 9mg
Menthol 0mg

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